'Inside you there's an artist you don't yet know about'

A Bit About Me
I am an educator of eight years and have completed teacher training to degree level.
I have taught hairdressers' from scratch carrying out the NVQ programme as well as teaching short courses at a private academy.
I have been outsourced to teach salon staff skill development. Focusing on fashion colour and commercial trends. I have also taught one to one tailored hairdressing programmes.
I maintain the ongoing training of a chain of salons in the Middle East.
I train my own assistant in every area of the industry and I
am an Avant Garde specialist and educator for 'The London College of Fashion'.

The videography series presented was captured on a group Avant Garde course I designed and delivered, featuring guest artists' for a comprehensive learning experience.
The video footage captures 'learning in action' and the students' feedback.
If you are interested in booking a course please fill out the booking form. Following this I provide a complimentary consultation to establish the individual requirements, so I can cater to these specific needs effectively.
All courses have a scheme of work, accompanying resources, further development
and a certificate of achievement.